Karen Boies

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  • 7 Reasons You Should Use a Buyer’s Agent

    Purchasing a home is a significant life event, and having a buyer’s agent represent you throughout the process is highly beneficial. Seller’s agents are solely focused on representing the best interests of the seller, so having someone on your side of the transaction that you can trust is a great way to protect your own

  • How to Prepare For Closing Day [Free Download]

    After you’ve successfully put in an offer for your dream home and set a date for closing, you’ve come to the final steps of your home buying journey. However aside from getting the keys, you’ll want to be prepared for the additional costs, and steps that will be required for a successful home purchase. The Preparing

  • The 30 Most Impactful DIY Projects We Did This Year

    Let’s face it: This year has brought most of us more time at home than we could ever have dreamed of. The upside of being holed up? There’s never been a better time to get some DIY projects done. Maybe you’re struggling with storage space, organization, or just a somewhat lackluster apartment design that needs upgrading.