Karen Boies

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  • 12 Essential Spring Gardening Tips

    It’s chore time! Stepping back into the garden after a long, harsh winter can be overwhelming, but it is also a time of relief. Even with a winter chill still in the air, there are plenty of tasks to start handling now if you want to get your garden in party-ready shape by the time the temperatures rise. Big believers

  • 15 Practical Budgeting Tips

    It’s the dreaded “B” word—budgeting. Unfortunately, the word budget has gotten a bad rap. When it all boils down, a budget is basically just a plan for your money. Budgeting means you’re spending with purpose before the month begins. But many people view a budget as a straitjacket that will keep them from doing what they want. But that couldn’t be

  • 5 Signs That Now is the Right Time to Move

    Making the decision to move can feel overwhelming. You’ve likely been settled in your current home and neighbourhood for a while and changing location, packing up and moving, and restarting your life in a new area will take a lot of work. It can be easy to just stay where you are, but moving is