Rowan Smith

Senior Mortgage Planner

  • I’ll Donate One Can of Food For Every Rating or Comment…

    Hi Everyone, Thank you for your comments, emails, phone calls, and ratings. I appreciate all of it. I’m making a special offer from January 11th (inclusive) through January 18th (inclusive), for every rating or comment I receive during these days, on my videos on Youtube, I will donate 1 can of food or 1 food

  • Basement Suite Income – How To Get it Used By the Bank

    We take calls all the time from clients who want to buy a home with substantial basement suite income, but their bank is either ignoring it, or not treating it seriously. This video blog explains the difference between authorized and un-authorized suites, and how the various banks will treat that income. It also explains how

  • Why Use Me? Why Use Rowan Smith?

    People ask the question all the time: “Why should I use you? Why not just go to my bank?” There are a lot of reasons. Watch this video blog for my explanation. [flashvideo file=wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Why-Use-Me.flv /] Transcription of the Video Blog: Hey everybody, Rowan Smith from the Mortgage Centre. I got several comments back on some