The 2011 BC Property Assessments are now available online. All property owners should be receiving these notices by mail in the next few weeks. However, for a limited time all this information is available at BC Assessment.
For those unfamiliar with what this is, the BC Assessment Authority is a Provincial Government agency that annually values all properties in the Province. This data is primarily used by municipalities to determine property taxes, school levies, etc.
Of course, other agencies, the general public and others can also use this information as a measurement of what the value of a property may be worth.
I caution everyone that these values are not “set in stone”. There are reasons why an actual property may be worth more or less (renovations, deterioration, alterations, etc.). As well, these “valuations” were done as of July 1, 2010 and depending on what the market has done since then, will influence the actual value on a particular date.